So, Google has decided to make life difficult for streaming radio and its listeners.  The station won’t play in our HTML5 players on Chrome 80.

Well, guess what?   You CAN listen to TheBlast.FM radio stations via our HTML5 players in these browsers: Brave, Firefox, Opera, Safari, and Microsoft Edge, and probably a host of others.

On on any Windows 10 desktop or laptop computer, download the free TheBlast.FM Windows 10 app.

The Windows 10 app now supports our lyrics, album art and song ratings features!

If you are trying to listen on a phone or tablet, use Duck Duck Go, Firefox or download TheBlast.FM app in lieu of using the HTML5 players.

What was Remedy Drive’s David Zach doing at the U.S Capitol this week?  He was speaking to over 200 members of Congress about human trafficking and the band’s fight against it, in partnership with Safe House Project.

“We were honored to have David join Safe House Project at the Capitol and visiting offices of more than 200 members of Congress as we activated cultural leaders, corporations and communities to unite against child sex trafficking in America,”  said Safe House Project CEO Kristi Wells. “David is the embodiment of ‘freedom requires action,’ and we value his deep understanding of this issue that has been learned in the trenches in the fight for freedom. In his undercover work he has seen the horrors of trafficking and uses his art to impact culture and affect change. We have already seen national impact from this event. David was part of a spark that has ignited a wildfire to once again burn the flame for freedom in our country.”